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Full Carborundum Coated Balls

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
10000 Pasang
Dilihat Sebanyak
27 kali
Rp. 3.000
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Detail Full Carborundum Coated Balls

We have two type of the balls coated with carborundum on the surface. They are ring carborundum coated balls and fully carborundum coated balls. The carborundum is very hard. It can abrade hard deposits on the inner side of the tubes. So if on your condenser tube there is something stuck on the inner surface and very difficult to remove, the carborundum-coated ball is the best choice. But these balls can be harmful for soft tube. So they can ONLY be used in extremely difficult case, and they cannot be used continuously or very often. Never use them for new equipment, and never use them for brass tube and other soft tubes. Ring carborundum coated ball only has a ring-like carborundum on the ball, so it will be recommended first for selection. For heavier duty, fully carborundum coated balls was recommended. Diameter : 9 - 42mm
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